Evening Grosbeak

Evening Grosbeak Prints
One of the largest and most striking of the finch family. The male is easily distinguished by his bright yellow body and white wing patches. The female is a pretty olive gray. Their large beaks transforms from bone colour in winter to blue-green in Spring. All winter, the noisy Grosbeaks brighten our garden with their flashes of yellow and it is fun to watch them neatly shell sunflowers with their thick beaks.

Our prints are double matted with acid free 100% rag mat. The outer mat on each is pearl gray with a complementary inner mat for each bird. Frames are mahogany finish 3/4" wood.

Size: 9" X 12" acid-free paper
Framed (and Matted): $69.95 CDN
Matted Only: $49.95 CDN

The Crocker Hill Store, Steven Smith Designs, 45 King St. St. Andrews N.B Canada E5B 1X6
Tel: (506) 529-4303 | Toll Free: 1-888-255-4251| Email: crohill@nbnet.nb.ca


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